


Petrunina Elena Leonidovna


Seniotiry: 15 years
Petrunina Elena Leonidovna

About the doctor:


  • N. I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University (N. I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University) -2009
  • Internship in Neurology at the Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery of the Pediatric Faculty of N. I. Pirogov Russian State Medical University 2009-2010
  • Postgraduate study Department of General and Medical Genetics Department of MBF of the Russian National Research University named after N. I. Pirogov. 2010-2014

Year beginning of medical experience — 2009


Postgraduate education

  • 2014 — certification cycle in epileptology (Neuromed)
  • 2014 — certification cycle neuroimaging in pediatrics (Neuromed)
  • 2015 — certification cycle in kinesiotaping.
  • 2015 — certification cycle for botulinum therapy in cerebral palsy, the use of botulinum toxin type A in the treatment of chronic migraine.
  • 2017 — primary specialization in "clinical electroencephalography".


The directions of the specialist's work are the use of modern methods of prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation, determining the tactics of patient management in accordance with established standards and requirements; developing a patient examination plan; establishing/ confirming a diagnosis based on clinical observations and examinations, collecting anamnesis, data from clinical laboratory and instrumental studies; prescribing and monitoring the necessary treatment in in accordance with established standards and rules.


Area of special professional interests:

  • neuromuscular diseases (progressive muscular dystrophy, spinal muscular atrophy, myopathy, etc.)
  • cerebral palsy and other motor disorders,
  • tics, enuresis, neurotic disorders,
  • sleep disorders,
  • developmental delays, autistic and behavioral disorders,
  • headaches of various origins (migraine, tension headaches),
  • epilepsy


Professional experience (career):

2011 April 2018 neurologist at FBGU RDKB / children's hospice House with a lighthouse" since 2015.

May 2018 to the present Head of the Department of Medical Rehabilitation of the State Budgetary Institution of the Moscow Region Moscow Regional Consultative and Diagnostic Center for Children".

Professional activity:

  • 2014 сертификационный цикл по эпилептологии (Невромед)
  • 2014 сертификационный цикл нейровизуализация в педиатрии (Невромед)
  • 2015 сертификационный цикл по кинезиотейпированию
  • 2015 сертификационный цикл по ботулинотерапии при ДЦП, применение ботулинистического токсина типа А в лечении хронической мигрени.
  • 2017 первичная специализация по « клинической электроэнцефалографии».
  • The cost of admission: 5 000 ₽

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