


Matveeva Irina Antonovna


Seniotiry: 43 years Candidate of Sciences in Medicine
Matveeva Irina Antonovna

About the doctor:

  • Education — higher medical education. In 1981, she graduated with honors from the Donetsk State Medical Institute named after M. Gorky with a degree in medicine.
  • Specialization — a certified specialist in neurology and reflexology; a doctor who uses a homeopathic method of treatment.
  • Qualification — the highest qualification category in neurology since 1996.
  • Academic degree — Candidate of Medical Sciences (thesis defense in 2003). 
  • Work experience in the specialty "neurology" is 35 years
  • Knowledge of a foreign language English
  • There are 40 printed works, including articles, a chapter in a monograph and textbooks for doctors.
  • Information about postgraduate education.


  • Internship in the specialty "Nervous diseases" in 1981-1983 on the basis of the Regional Clinical Hospital named after Kalinina 
  • Clinical residency of the Moscow General Department of Health in the specialty "Neurology" on the basis of the State Clinical Hospital named after Botkin in 1989-1991 .
  • Professional development (1986 – 2012) 
  • 1986 – "Tumors and vascular diseases of the brain in children" (TSOLIU of Doctors, Moscow)
  • 1993 – "Perinatal neurology" (author's course by V.I. Freidkov and E.A. Edelstein, MO "Neuro-Med")
  • 1995 – "Diseases of the nervous system in young children" (RMAPO, Moscow)
  • 1999 – "Neurology" (RMAPO, Moscow)
  • 2004 and 2009 – "Modern problems of pediatric neurology" (GU NTSD RAMS)
  • 2004 and 2009 – "Neurosurgery" (RMAPO, Moscow)
  • 2007 and 2012 – "Methods of organizing and conducting clinical trials of medicines" (N.I.Pirogov RNIMU of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation)
  • 2014 and 2019 – "Advanced training in Neurology" - certification cycle (N.I.Pirogov RNIMU of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation)


  • 1988 "Reflexotherapy in diseases of the nervous system" (TSOLIU of Doctors, Moscow)
  • 1996 "Electropuncture diagnostics using the Voll method and the basics of homeopathy"  (RMAPO, Moscow)
  • 2011 retraining in the program of additional professional education "Reflexotherapy" (MGMSUMoscow)


  • 1990 – 1991 – training and advanced training courses (Kiev Homeopathic School, University of Health)
  • 1994 – author's course of lectures and practical exercises by T.D. Popova and A.V. Popov
  • 1995 – "Topical issues of homeopathy" (MAPO, St. Petersburg)
  • 1995 – lecture course at the Russian-Belgian School of Classical Homeopathy (lecturers of the Belgian Royal School of Homeopathy)
  • 1996 – lecture course of the international educational program of the Boiron Laboratory
  • 1998 – course of author's lectures on anthroposophical medicine by Dr. Olaf Titze (Germany)
  • 2001 – "Homeopathy" (general improvement, RMAPO, Moscow)

Information about employment

  • 1981-1983 - Intern of the Neurology Department of the Regional Clinical Hospital named after Kalinina, Donetsk
  • Implemented projects – the research work "Virological studies in the diagnosis of acute and exacerbation of chronic neuroinfections" was carried out with the publication of the results.
  • 1983-1986 - Neuropathologist at the Neurosurgery Clinic of Donetsk State Medical Institute
  • The field of work is the differential diagnosis of tumor, vascular and inflammatory lesions of the nervous system in adults and children.
  • 1986-1989 - neuropathologist at city polyclinics No. 194 and No. 197 in Moscow
  • The field of work is outpatient admission, participation in the work of VTEC as a member of the commission.
  • 1989-1991 - Clinical resident of the Neurological Department of the S.P. Botkin City Clinical Hospital, Moscow
  • The field of work is the provision of emergency care to neurological patients, training at the Department of Neurology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences according to the program for clinical residents, the study of examination issues.
  • 1993-1996 - Assistant at the Department of Pediatric Diseases No. 3 of the Russian State Medical University.
  • 1996-2000 - Assistant of the course of Homeopathy at the Russian Medical Academy
  • 2001-2011 Senior Researcher at the Department of Rehabilitation Treatment of Children with Cerebral Palsy at the Scientific Center for Children's Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow
  • 2011-2013 Head of the Department of Restorative Medicine and rehabilitation using traditional methods of treatment of the City Children's Neuropsychiatric Hospital No. 18 DZ Moscow (since 2012 – Scientific and Practical Center of Child Psychoneurology DZ Moscow)
  • Since November 2013, he has been a neurologist at the Medical Center of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
  • The field of work is outpatient admission of patients with neurological pathology.
  • Since July 2017, he has been a neurologist in private practice.

Specialist Certificates:

Matveeva Irina Antonovna Matveeva Irina Antonovna Matveeva Irina Antonovna Matveeva Irina Antonovna Matveeva Irina Antonovna
  • The cost of admission: 10 000 ₽

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