


Golosnaya Galina Stanislavovna


Seniotiry: 25 years Professor,Doctor of Sciences in Medicine
Golosnaya Galina Stanislavovna

About the doctor:

Neurologist of the highest category, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor

  • In 1992, she graduated with honors from the Pediatric Faculty of the Russian State Medical University  N.I. Pirogov University
  • In 1994, she completed her clinical residency in Pediatrics at the Russian State Medical University
  • In 1997, she completed postgraduate studies in the specialty  Nervous Diseases of the Faculty of Pediatrics of the Russian State Medical University and defended her PhD thesis in the specialties nervous diseases and pediatrics 
  • Until 2003, she worked as the head of the department of rehabilitation of young children at DKB No. 80 
  • From 2000 to 2005, she studied for a doctorate in the specialty  Nervous diseases at the Department of Neurology of the Pediatric Faculty of the Russian State Medical University.
  • In 2005, she defended her doctoral thesis in the specialties of Nervous diseases and Pediatrics.
  • From 2005 to 2008, he was the head of the Department of Early Childhood Neurosurgery at the National Center for Medical Care for Children. He has more than 25 years of experience in neonatal intensive care. A leading specialist in perinatal CNS lesions. She is the author of more than 100 publications, has repeatedly delivered reports and lectures at domestic and international conferences. Under her leadership, 4 PhD and 1 doctoral dissertations were defended

The main areas of work:

  • Newborns full-term and premature infants with central nervous
  • system damage neonatal seizures
  • delayed development of children
  • delayed speech development
  • consequences of central nervous
  • system injuries  
  • Sleep disorders of behavior
  • ADHD
  • tics, stuttering
  • neurotic reactions
  • The cost of admission: 10 000 ₽

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